My my....the world cup just ended. And what a day it was!! Ok, for those of you who are now going 'huh'? I meant the Dubai World Cup. The horse race?? And for those who now go? You? Horse race? Yes yes....I agree....I'm not much of horse fan. Basically I was only there to play dress up and retain my reputation as a 'plonkie' ( it's really not a word, it's only available on the drunkards dictionary ) hee hee
So this little missy ( as in yours truly ) went out shopping in Manchester and got me a nice little dress, a nice little ribbon-clippy thingy for ma hair and of course a matching bag!! How much? shall I say it? Affordable is the right word.
And so the big day came. Here was the plan. Go for proper lunch outside the field coz they only sell horrible expensive food. OK. Went to Applebees. Had myself a nice teriyaki chicken bowl. Btw, I thought that Applebees was a place where people go to have apple-pies. And they have variations of it. ( see the link - applebees = apple pies?? NVM! ) Apparently I was dead wrong. They do offer american food like chillies and TGIFridays. The only similarity....absolute no sense of humour from the staff. Steve did crack some horrible jokes, I was holding back my tears and they(the staff) just looked at me like I'm some kind of an idiot. Sad, but true( for them not me being the idiot!!) ...blah blah blah.... cut the story short, got there, Irish village was already starting to get packed. Couldn't get a seat. Looked around and I saw one. Good spot too. Not in some dingey corner. Ok, shut up now.
Somehow I manage to survive til the end. How? No fucking clue! As soon as the last race ended, we all trotted to our favourite karaoke joint. And then I can't remember what happened next. And I don't want to.....Next morning, woke up aching everywhere. Ouch! Head - ouch! Blah....
Coupla days later...this was in one of the gossip paper, sumthin like "the daily mail" in the uk.
some people....too free huh? ...hhhmmmppphhh....
Bye now.