I wanted to change some things round. Now that I am in Paris...I ditched the whole crew after promising to join them for a comp drink at the bar, I turned on my laptop to serve the internet which I get for free since I am the Cabin Manager. So I checked my mail. I went to my pickkies site and changed that. Went to my connections site. Tried to change that but couldn't, under maintainance. Will try again after this. And I thought I'd change my blog.
Off all colours....to plain black!!!
Actually the plan was to change it to some other cool backpage like the one I had before. But now that blogger has upgraded their version, I couldn't do what I had planned to do.
So here I am, in bed, still in my uniform blouse, full make-up and hair typing this darn thing.
At first I thought I lost all my blogs when I couldn't see what I used to write.
Silly me. I forgot that my fonts used to be BLACK!!! ddduuhhhh....
So now, I have to change them bloody colours... til I can't be arsed anymore.
So there.