And so that was the end of the annual Dubai Rugby 7s. Held every year for the last 38 years!!! And they wanted that piece of land for housing. What can we do? It is their patch of land.
Ho hum.
Next year will be held on a different ground. Can't wait. I've seen the model. It's very glam.
Anyway, after all that rugby and hot boyz with really hotnezz bodzzz..... it's where everyone went to party!!! I know you ask why didn't I take any pictures with any of them rugby boyz? Well, I tell ya!!
- I gotta maintain the fact that I didn't really care bout them
- My husband is there.....
So.....hee hee..
Anyway, enjoy them photos..I know I did!!
Looking forward to Dave's Christmas Hypno Show!! Lots of preparation still yet to be done.