Monday, April 28, 2008

This makes me really really sick!!!

Have you guys read this yet???!!! SICK!!!!

"AMSTETTEN, Austria (Reuters) - A 73-year-old Austrian electrical engineer has confessed to holding his daughter captive in a secret, windowless cellar for 24 years and fathering seven children by her, police said on Monday.The case, centred on a nondescript two-storey building in the industrial town of Amstetten, was reminiscent of that of Austrian Natascha Kampusch who spent eight years locked up in a basement before escaping in 2006.

Elisabeth Fritzl, 42, had told police on Sunday that her father, Josef Fritzl, lured her into the basement of the plain, grey block where they lived with other families in 1984 and drugged and handcuffed her before imprisoning her.Three of her children, aged 19, 18 and 5, had been locked up in the basement with her since birth and had never seen sunlight, police said, raising worries about their physical and mental state. The younger two were boys, the eldest a girl."(Fritzl) has now said that he locked up his daughter for 24 years and that he alone fathered her seven children and that he locked them up in the cellar," Franz Polzer, head of the criminal investigations unit in the province of Lower Austria told Reuters by telephone.

Fritzl had also admitted to burning the body of one of the children when it died shortly after birth, said Polzer. Austrian media reported he had burned the corpse in a boiler.Three of the children -- two girls and one boy -- were brought up by Josef and his wife.Investigators were combing through the network of cells where the victims had been held captive. During the morning forensic experts in white uniforms and gloves carried out boxes of evidence from the house which is on a busy street with shops.Fritzl had hidden the entrance to the cell behind shelves and only he knew the secret code for the reinforced concrete door, said officials.

Some parts of the dungeon were no more than 1.70 metres (5 ft 6 in) high and officials in Amstetten said the basement labyrinth contained a padded cell.Photographs showed a narrow passageway leading into other rooms which included a cooking area, sleeping area and a small bathroom with a shower. A tube provided ventilation.Amstetten, located in rolling hills about 130 km (80 miles) west of Vienna, is an industrial town of about 22,000 people.


The case unfolded when the 19-year-old girl became seriously ill and was taken to hospital, prompting doctors to appeal for the girl's mother to come forward to provide more details about her medical history.Fritzl then brought Elisabeth and her remaining two children out of the basement, telling his wife -- who thought their "missing" daughter had chosen to return home, police said.Elisabeth agreed to make a "comprehensive statement" to the police after receiving assurances she would have no further contact with her father, who she said abused her from the age of 11.Kampusch, who spent her teenage years held captive, offered to help the victims and told ORF radio she might talk to the family.

"I can imagine that it is very difficult both for the mother of the children as well as for the wife of the perpetrator to get through this," she said.Psychiatrist Max Friedrich, who treated Kampusch, said the children were undergoing tests in hospital, in particular for problems with their eyes and skin due to the lack of daylight."And socially ... the (children) could not develop any sort of sense of community which they would get from going to school or playgroup," Friedrich told Reuters.


The case has raised questions about how authorities and neighbours failed to notice anything unusual in the "house of horrors", not least because officials said Fritzl had over the years build extensions to the secret dungeon."The community of Amstetten should drown in shame ... The neighbours are turning a blind eye," the Oesterreich newspaper wrote in an editorial.The daily Der Standard wrote: "The whole country must ask itself what is really, fundamentally going wrong."Another puzzle is how Josef's wife Rosemarie could have been unaware of what was going on.

Police have said they believe Rosemarie did not know what happened to her daughter when she disappeared in 1984. It was assumed Elisabeth had left voluntarily when her parents received a letter from her saying they should not search for her."

Sssooo many questions??

  • who are the other children? same sex or mixed?
  • were the girls, if any, abused too?
  • why was Elizabeth 'special'? Why was she picked out?
  • Are her kids disabled?

So sad to know that she now suffers from the 'Stockholm Syndrom'.

Your comments please......

~ Seriously??? ~

For my family who is in Sin, I'm sure you have read this article.

Guess why I'm posting it??

"FROM a distance, Ms Lau An Ling, 40, an actress from the Philippines, seems to be an attractive woman.She is dressed sexily in a tight pair of jeans and a top revealing a taut midriff, as she walks towards me for the interview.Then, the shocker.

Her face, close up, looks like someone had melted the edges around it.This is the result of a doctor injecting silicone directly into her face and then another doctor trying to remove it.Her eyes have a startled look.

Part of her eyelids had been cut away and pulled too high - the work of another doctor.Her nose looks a little too bulky for her face. She said yet another doctor had injected silicone into it.Silicone, once injected into the body, is almost impossible to remove.Doctors can try to remove it, but most times, they don't succeed.


Her hands look a little like a man's hands, thick and bulky. A fourth doctor had injected silicone into it, in an effort to make to them look smooth and youthful.Since 1999, she has spent more than US$200,000 ($270,000) in an effort to look more attractive and yet, what she looks like now is a mockery of her former attractive self.She has been to many doctors in the Philippines, elsewhere in Asia and even in Europe.And the irony is not lost on her.

Ms Lau reveals to The New Paper on Sunday that she has not felt like a woman for a long time.Her spiral into plastic surgery hell started in 1999 in the Philippines when she went for an operation to make her vagina more attractive.The operation, called a vaginaplasty, was done by a doctor who was not properly qualified to do it. 'It looks okay, but I can't feel anything now. He cut my clitoris and also the nerves there,' she said in an interview with The New Paper on Sunday.She finally come to Singapore early this month to seek help from Dr Woffles Wu, consultant plastic surgeon at Camden Medical Centre.One of her friends, who had also been disfigured by bad cosmetic work, had come here and seen him.

'I saw her improve month after month. Now she's looking younger than before. I want Dr Wu to do the same for me, to restore my looks,' she said.Whether Dr Wu can deliver those results is another matter.She has consulted him, but it is not clear how much he can do.Said Dr Wu: 'She's been pumped full of silicone by doctors, and persuaded into getting Botox and fillers done every week in the Philippines till she is financially dry.'

He has seen the extent of damage on her face and body, and is horrified by what has been done to her.'Now that she has come for bona fide plastic surgery, the question is whether we can do anything for her at all,' said Dr Wu.

Ms Lau, who is single, said she had wanted the vaginaplasty because at that time she was acting in sexy movies, like the Filipino equivalent of Baywatch.She felt the surgery would boost her confidence even if she did not appear naked in the movies.

She also allowed doctors to inject silicone into her vagina to plump it up and make it look more sexy. Over time, the silicone hardened.'After that operation, I was desperate to make myself more beautiful, to assure myself that I am an attractive woman,' she said.She then went from doctor to doctor, who each persuaded her to let them do this or that procedure on her.'I was very trusting and some of these doctors are big names in the Philippines. I also really wanted to believe them, to give myself hope,' she said.In 2000, she believed a doctor who said she could make her look younger by injecting silicone into her face.'I was then about 32 years old. In my industry, that's considered quite old and there were all these younger, more beautiful women coming up all the time,' she said.

She was still acting in some movies and appearing on TV.The doctor put her to sleep and injected silicone into her face.'I woke up to a face that was as round as a plate,' she said.She has not done any acting, appeared in movies or on TV for more than five years now.It was only this month, when she consulted Dr Wu, that she was told one should never be put to sleep while undergoing what is essentially a filler procedure.'Dr Wu told me that I should have been awake, with a mirror in front of me and watching while the doctor injects me, so that I can see exactly how much I want injected in my face,' she said.The filler used on her face should also not have been silicone.In 2000, she had silicone injected into her buttocks to give her a sexier look.Things took a turn for the worse when the silicone hardened and caused her buttocks to take on a lumpy shape. Her face also became lumpy.Desperate, she flew to China in 2001 to seek help. The doctor in China - she did not say which part of China - cut behind her ears and tried to suck the silicone out.He only half succeeded.

'My face looked sunken because only half of the silicone came out,' said Ms Lau.In 2004, another doctor she went to see said he could do liposuction to take the silicone out of her buttocks.The liposuction caused depressions to appear here and there on her buttocks.The silicone had also travelled down from her buttocks to her thighs, making them look uneven and lumpy.She has travelled to Bangkok and Hong Kong to consult doctors and see if they can return her looks to her. She also tried to so the same thing in Italy.The Italian and Hong Kong doctors did not operate on her.'The Bangkok doctor tried to help, and it did improve a little bit, but not enough,' she said.Her only hope now is that Dr Wu can work a miracle for her.'I want to return to acting. I need my looks back,' she said."

I can't believe that a smart man, a doctor more of that, would actually choose ( I wonder if that was a given ) his name to be


I mean, seriously???!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

my poor poor husband!!!

My husband had an absess for months now... it really irritated him. It's not really helping when he needed his mouth for his work. It's not the first time he had it, according to him. He told me a couple of weeks ago the last time he cut it off himself!! Did it bleed? Oh well...Dr. Crane didn't think about it before.

So, when he told me last week that he wanted to cut it off since it really irritated him...I freaked out!! cut the story short, we finally had an appointment at the dentist this afternoon!!

6 injections and 1/2 hour later, my poor poor husband came out of the dentist's room with swollen tongue. We had to cancel our dinner appointment, this was another story.

His old classmate, whom he's not seen for 28 years, is in Dubai. Went through Time-out mag, saw Dave's ad for his hypno show, and went for the show. So, tonight was the night we were supposed to have dinner with mom & dad since he knows them too.

Everything is now cancelled. All meetings, all lunches...everything!!

Dave's diet is now soft food, nothing hot or hard. The stitches will be out in 10 days. The result for the absess will be out soon. Hopefully it's nothing.

Oh poor poor husband!!

She's definitely not a brunette....

A few days ago I was having some work done at my local garage.

A blonde came in and asked for a seven-hundred and ten.

We all looked at each other and another customer asked, 'What is a seven-hundred and ten.

She replied, 'You know, the little piece in the middle of the engine,

I have lost it and need a new one..'

She replied that she did not know exactly what it was, but this piece had always been there.

The mechanic gave her a piece of paper and a pen and asked her to draw what the piece looked like.

She drew a circle and in the middle of it wrote 710.

He then took her over to another car which had its hood up and asked 'is there a 710 on this car?'

She pointed and said, 'Of course, its right there.'

If you're not sure what a 710 is Click Here


Ladies, next time when our husbands/partners complain to us about spending too much time and money on beauty, quote this to them!!!

I was walking down the street when I was accosted by a particularly dirty and shabby-looking homeless woman who asked me for a couple of pounds for some food.

I got out my purse and took a ten pound note out and asked, 'If I give you this money, will you buy wine with it instead of food?'

'No, I had to stop drinking years ago', the homeless woman told me.

'Will you use it to go shopping instead of buying food?' I asked.

'No, I don't waste time shopping,' the homeless woman said. 'I need to spend all my time trying to stay alive.'

'Will you spend this in a beauty salon instead of food?' I asked.

'Are you NUTS !' replied the homeless woman. ' I haven't had

my hair done in 20 years!'

'Well,' I said, 'I'm not going to give you the money.
Instead, I'm going to take you out for dinner with my
husband and me tonight.'

The homeless woman was shocked. 'Won't your husband
be furious with you for doing that? I know I'm dirty, and I probably smell pretty disgusting.'

I said, 'That's okay. It's important for him to see what a woman looks like after she has given up shopping, hair appointments, and wine.'

This was given by my father-in-law!!! Thanks Dad!!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Don't think I want to fly with them lot.....

I qoute from a local paper here:

"The nose is said to be the quietest part of an aeroplane. For this reason, those lucky or wealthy enough to fly first or business class sit towards the front of the aircraft and are well placed to make a sharp exit upon disembarkation while all hell breaks lose behind them. But the serene status of the nose could now be under threat from big mouths - namely those of business bods who are, quite literally, unable to switch off.
On March 20, Dubai’s very own Emirates Airline became the world’s first carrier to launch an inflight mobile telephone service. The AeroMobile system Emirates had installed allows mobile phones to operate at minimum power and thus not interfere with the aircraft. Two weeks after that landmark call at 30,000 feet en route to Casablanca, do frequent flyers want the airline to dial it again?
It would appear so. Earlier this week, Jazeera Airways followed suit, announcing it would launch the OnAir inflight mobile service, enabling voice calls, SMS and GPRS later this year. The service “will be available to all passengers at rates similar to international roaming charges”, said Jazeera chairman and CEO Marwan Boodai.
Oman Air has wasted no time launching itself into Jazeera’s wake, pledging to fit seven of its new aircraft with OnAir, which will also enable mobiles and Blackberry-type devices to send and receive emails, when delivered next year.

Silence is golden and talk is cheap (though perhaps not at international premium rates), but if you are riled at the prospect of the person next to you barking into their mobile when you can’t move out of earshot, bear in mind that the measures have been taken in response to passengers’ wishes - in the Middle East at least.
A study released late last year by market research firm YouGovSiraj found that 47 per cent of regional business travellers questioned wanted complete freedom to use mobiles on board a flight. A further 24 per cent wanted specially designated areas where phones could be used. Interestingly, the results directly contradicted findings in a poll carried out in the UK, where just 16 per cent of respondents said they were in favour of mobile usage on planes and 56 per cent were against it.
“This may be because travellers in this region do not use trains as they do in markets such as the UK where on-board mobile etiquette has become an issue and special quiet zones have been created,” said Jane Wilson, director of travel and tourism research at YouGovSiraj. Coffee shops, cinemas... and now aeroplanes - it seems all public spaces are fair game for the conversation hunter.
But a crumb of comfort for those not wishing to be privy to their neighbours’ business comes with the news that not all airlines think the idea is a winner for the time being. “We don’t have any plans to introduce mobiles on our aircraft in the near future,” a spokesperson from Etihad Airways told 7DAYS. “We’re not getting any indication from our customers at this point that this is something they are crying out for.
“Our focus groups have told us that passengers want the facility to be able to make a call should it be absolutely necessary - and we provide this - but do we really want to provide an environment where people who are phone-junkies talk on their phones the duration of a flight?” the spokesperson asked.
British Airways also said it “will be led by customer feedback” on the matter. So there you have it. If you’re a nervous flyer who just wants a bit of calm up in the clouds, now is your chance to speak out."

Now... I see a lot of air rage on the way??