Saturday, January 21, 2006

I came back from Frankfurt today at around's horrible doing a night flight, especially if you have towork again tomorrow morning, you sleep for a while otherwise you can't sleep at night but when you wake up just after 4 hours of sleep, you have a HUGE headache and like you are niether here nor there.

But hey, who's complaining, I still love my job...hehehe

The trip was nice,the crew was nice but their safety knowlewdge was shite!!! And I gave them a hard time about it, don't you worry! They don't realise the importance of safety in the aircraft. Seriously, even a monkey can go beef or chicken!!! Whatever, I think that they know now that when they fly with me again, they better @#$%ing know their safety! hee hee

Dave's still in Monye Carlo, I don't know if Imi's here, she's not called Dave yet ( she's Dave's new PA ) well,if we think she's shite, she's gone, but she doesn't know that, she better learn fast.

Aida's coming back from her long Toronto 9-day flight tonight at midnight. I'll probably be asleep by then. I hope they don't call me tomorrow, I'm on stand-by from bloody 4 in the morning!!!

Oh yah, my best friend said that the little one from Narnia looked like her little one. I can't remember, hey, children grow, and if you are reading this Junita, I'm still waiting for Tina's picture so that the world can see!!!

Me go watch TV now.....

Work hard everyone, but remember PARTIE twice as hard



AzRaNan said...

I watched Narnia!!!! yes, and I loved Lucy :D Raizan said she reminded him of Adibah... loL!

zaza_on_tour said...

pictures ladies, pictures pppuurrrlleeeaasseee.....let the whole world see.....