Anyway, as promised, the updates from last nite. Dave was fantastic on stage. It seemed that he was so smooth, but that was so not the case. He was so nervous, he told me later. But I had all the confidence in him to rock. I am so proud of him!!!! And also so proud to be his bird!!!
The comediens were great as well. It is very rare to find all 3 of them to get all the audience cracking, but they did it!!! The 1st one looked like Father Ted, the 2nd one had peeling skin which he ate on stage ( I can't believe you fell for it, I did ) and the last one looked like he had a broken neck!!!! Dave said he will post last nite's pictures on his blog...look at it...otherwise I will have it soon ( knowing Dave) I love you honey mmmuuaahhh!!!!
Sally as usual was pissed and was shouting from the floor about the winner for Big Brother UK, and Dennis was practically pissed at her for doing that. Stop that Sal, shut up sal....
It was a good crowd as well. Tina did not turn up neither did Steve and his pet goldfish.....mind you goldfish's dad and step mom's in town so prob they had other plans....prob trying to swim in the big ocean. That is another story which I will tell you another day, it's too long for one blog. hahahhah
Check out my fotopages...I have some new pictures.....

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