A new company memo came out a couple of days ago stating that we can opt for a housing allowance instead of staying of staying at the company's provided accomodation. That money also includes transportation allowance which in total is shite! I know for a fact that a lot of people will go for that, especially those who have boyfriends in town or in the same company. It's good for them, not for me. My boyfriend DOES NOT stay in the same town. I am not the kind of person to know oh no it's the end of the month, it's now time to pay the electricity and water! I have too many bills to add those into my list! After consulting my consultant, ie Dave, I have decided to remain in the 'beautiful' company accomodation. I have a gut feeling that some of my closest friends will go for that! So... when they move out, I will probably get their single apartment. That's it then. Besides, this offer will not go away. I might one day grow up, be responsible and take up that offer. Maybe, maybe not.
Anyway, yesterday I had the best time of my life. We were suppose to go to the Dusit for brunch but something came up and we couldn't go. We went instead to the Irish Village with Steve, goldfish, Marie ( Steve's mom ) and Andy ( steve's brother ) who came all the way from Ireland for a couple of weeks. They've been here before, so it's nice to see them again. We then went to the arcade, like kids, we had a blast! We all pretended to be Jack Bauer, from the TV series 24, and killed all the terrorists in the shooting arcade games. Then....we went to the Jebel Ali shootin range! That was alot of fun. Boy does that bring back memories when I was in school shooting them rifles in the army camps! I came home with a sore arm from the rifle's impact, but it was all good. It's a shame that Marie and goldfish didn't join in. I'm sure they had their reasons.
I have to go to work now.....Bullocks.
PS: Can't wait for the UK trip coming up.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Robbie's Gig

Then, we head down to Nad al Sheba where the gig's at. Guess what? There were already about 5000 people there when we arrived!!! Shit!! It was only half five in the afternoon and we have bloody 3 hours to wait before hot shot gets on he stage. Mind you they NEVER start on time! I wonder why the hell is that! I think that all singers should take an oath to bloody start their gig's on the bloody dot!!!
So anyway, as time passes by, tick tock tick tock, more and more sweaty people arrive and booze was slowly wearing off! No good I tell you. It's really unbelieveable that it is during these period where people should appreciate underarm deodarant and perfum as in f*&@ing USE THEM!!! My god!! You don't have to look for them odour! It's everywhere!!! BAD BODY ODOUR!!!!
At 7.30pm, Robbie's opening act came on. It was a DJ. He was shite! Really. Not that I am a deejay myself, I do know a lot about good music and hey I'm dating an ex-top DJ!!! I really sholud know. (ok when I say ex, not that someone took over, he got bored and switched lines) By this time, the place was jammed packed!! Robbie finally came out a 9pm!! ( he was meant to start at 8.30pm! what's up with these stars anyway???? Don't they know how to read time??!!)
The whole set, the stage, the lights...everything was great. He interacted with the crowd. He made us laugh, he told us, Ready? Get your camera's ready. while he posed! (bastard!) He made us sing! And he f*%&ed up on his songs. I meant he didn't know the words on some songs. Oh ai! He made fun of alot of other singers, in a joking way, to the other crew of Take That, Ronan Keating, Phil Collins and J-Lo!!! That was funny! And then he made fun of himself.
The down side was that he only sang a couple of his hits, he ocncentrated more on his current album, which is not as spectacular as his former ones. He did sing Feel and Angel and Rock DJ and Let me Entertain you though.
All in all, I really enjoyed myself. I wanted to see him. I did. Did I regret it? Fuck no! I would if I hadn't been. It was an arse to get a ride back home. It was an arse of a major back pain, sore feet and bad odour!! But it was all worth it to see the most flamboyant star on earth live on stage (to my point of view)
You should have been there!!
PS: The pictures are on my multiply site! Check it out! The latest thing is that J-Lo has postponed her concert here next week! B*%^@!!!!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006
Ok ok...I'm sorry... I was really busy,doing what u ask...well...stuff!! Anyway, Nat's (Dave's new PA) has started. She an Aussie, very nice. I'm the one who's not. It is very difficult for me to kinda 'let go' some stuff. It took me a while for me to be ok, poor Dave, he's caught in the middle. But now, everthing's fine and dandy. I apologise to you honey and to Nat for being a prick for a week and thank you both for your patience.
Remember I told you that I have a project to do? I have a confession to make. I have yet to start on it!!! I know it's the end of the month. I have NO BLOODY TIME!!!!Actually, that's not the truth really. I'm just...well.....lazy.
Now let's get the juice out
Remember I told you that I have a project to do? I have a confession to make. I have yet to start on it!!! I know it's the end of the month. I have NO BLOODY TIME!!!!Actually, that's not the truth really. I'm just...well.....lazy.
Now let's get the juice out
- Shima, I'm afraid to dissapoint you. She's not coming back to Dubai ( unless Leroy decides to sponsor her ) She got the job at the saloon rite? But the owner wants her to start work immediately which she can't as she needs to give her one month notice to her current one. Plus this lady does not want to buy Shima her ticket back to Dubai. So, that's that then I suppose.
- Anuj ( Shweta's boyfriend ) has started flying. I will find out in a coupla days how it went.
- Neha's so in love with her current boyfriend who is coming to Abu Dhabi next month for a couple of days before they both head off to Bangkok for a short hol. The whole group's so happy for her. Finally, she got a steady boyfriend who loves her, and has got practically the same attitude.
- Rakhee. She has been a naughty girl. The girls and I think that she's got another lover who's german and the rumour is that he's gay. I dunno. I have yet to find out the truth. The world is getting more and more wierd. I suppose he can't be gay, he is a bisexual then huh?
- This year, mom's CPF(the money that the goventment saves for us and pays back when in age) is due. Guess who's the most excited of all? That's rite. The smelly-armpit fat woman.
- Oh yah, the cricket teams were here playing for the tsunami aid. Aida brought the Indian cricket team on her flight and Shweta brought the Bollywood stars. She was so excited and happy cause Salman Khan was there. He's her favourite. She got his autograph, but thanks to his illegible handwriting, my dear Shwepps thought that he wrote "Call me"!!!! hahaha Poor girl. Trying to hard I think! hee hee
Well, tomorrow is the Robbie Williams concert. I'm dead excited. He is the most flamboyant artist on stage I have ever known. Even better then Bono. 25,000 people due to be sick from the partying and will not be at work on Saturday!!! hahahaha
NExt week will be J-Lo. I just made myself a new top at my tailors. I really excited. I will tell you all about it.
I gotto go.
PS: I have added new pictures. See my best friend's princesses as well.
Lesson in Management
Nanie sent me this...............
THis is a good one.
Johnny wanted to screw a girl in his office.....but she belonged to someone else... One day Johnny got so frustrated that he went up to her and said I'll give you a 1000 dollars if you let me screw you....but the girl said NO.
Johnny said I'll be fast, I'll throw the money on the floor, you bend down,I'll be finished by the time you pick it up. She thought for a moment and said that she would have to consult her boyfriend.....so she called her boyfriend and told him the story. Her boyfriend says ask him for 2000 dollars, pick up the money very fast, he won't even be able to get his pants down. So she agrees and accepts the proposal.
Half an hour goes by and the boyfriend is waiting for his girlfriend to call. Finally after 45 mins the boyfriend calls and asks what happened......
Management lesson:
THis is a good one.
Johnny wanted to screw a girl in his office.....but she belonged to someone else... One day Johnny got so frustrated that he went up to her and said I'll give you a 1000 dollars if you let me screw you....but the girl said NO.
Johnny said I'll be fast, I'll throw the money on the floor, you bend down,I'll be finished by the time you pick it up. She thought for a moment and said that she would have to consult her boyfriend.....so she called her boyfriend and told him the story. Her boyfriend says ask him for 2000 dollars, pick up the money very fast, he won't even be able to get his pants down. So she agrees and accepts the proposal.
Half an hour goes by and the boyfriend is waiting for his girlfriend to call. Finally after 45 mins the boyfriend calls and asks what happened......
Management lesson:
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Well then..... I went to see the person-in-charge ( can't tell you yet who I went to see ), now I have to prepare a 15 minute presentation on UAE n EY to the team of interviewers which will be in a fortnight. I'm a little excited, a little nervous at the same time. Dave's been a real bitch!!! I really updating the world and here he is nagging about WHY I'M BLOGGING INSTEAD OF STARTING MY PROJECT??? Ok Ok...he has a point but I've not blogged in a long time and there are so many stories to tell......I suppose I will tell you all about it in Jakarta......
Plus as well, add in more photos in the multiply site.....
Gotta go..... he's staring at me now.... ( he's only doing it when he's rite, he knows who's the boss here)
PS: Dave's PA is FINALLY starting on monday, I won't be here, lucky her!! hee hee
Plus as well, add in more photos in the multiply site.....
Gotta go..... he's staring at me now.... ( he's only doing it when he's rite, he knows who's the boss here)
PS: Dave's PA is FINALLY starting on monday, I won't be here, lucky her!! hee hee
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