Then, we head down to Nad al Sheba where the gig's at. Guess what? There were already about 5000 people there when we arrived!!! Shit!! It was only half five in the afternoon and we have bloody 3 hours to wait before hot shot gets on he stage. Mind you they NEVER start on time! I wonder why the hell is that! I think that all singers should take an oath to bloody start their gig's on the bloody dot!!!
So anyway, as time passes by, tick tock tick tock, more and more sweaty people arrive and booze was slowly wearing off! No good I tell you. It's really unbelieveable that it is during these period where people should appreciate underarm deodarant and perfum as in f*&@ing USE THEM!!! My god!! You don't have to look for them odour! It's everywhere!!! BAD BODY ODOUR!!!!
At 7.30pm, Robbie's opening act came on. It was a DJ. He was shite! Really. Not that I am a deejay myself, I do know a lot about good music and hey I'm dating an ex-top DJ!!! I really sholud know. (ok when I say ex, not that someone took over, he got bored and switched lines) By this time, the place was jammed packed!! Robbie finally came out a 9pm!! ( he was meant to start at 8.30pm! what's up with these stars anyway???? Don't they know how to read time??!!)
The whole set, the stage, the lights...everything was great. He interacted with the crowd. He made us laugh, he told us, Ready? Get your camera's ready. while he posed! (bastard!) He made us sing! And he f*%&ed up on his songs. I meant he didn't know the words on some songs. Oh ai! He made fun of alot of other singers, in a joking way, to the other crew of Take That, Ronan Keating, Phil Collins and J-Lo!!! That was funny! And then he made fun of himself.
The down side was that he only sang a couple of his hits, he ocncentrated more on his current album, which is not as spectacular as his former ones. He did sing Feel and Angel and Rock DJ and Let me Entertain you though.
All in all, I really enjoyed myself. I wanted to see him. I did. Did I regret it? Fuck no! I would if I hadn't been. It was an arse to get a ride back home. It was an arse of a major back pain, sore feet and bad odour!! But it was all worth it to see the most flamboyant star on earth live on stage (to my point of view)
You should have been there!!
PS: The pictures are on my multiply site! Check it out! The latest thing is that J-Lo has postponed her concert here next week! B*%^@!!!!!

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