Sunday, November 04, 2007

Happy Birthday!!

It's Dave's birthday today. We didn't go out celebrating as it is a weekday and he's got BNI tomorrow... So basically it was a lazy hanging out at home day. Well, not really. It's his reply all emails day, what he missed out since he was in Bahrain for a gig the last 2 days....

So anyway, woke up late as slept late, make breakie, answered all emails, cleaned up the pc ( still in the process ) and cooked his favourite Thai Green Chicken Curry with veg ( a must ) for lunch-cum-dinner.

I told him to bring the camera down, he forgot. I forgot so...sorry no pictures.

What did he get you asked?

A brand-spanking new laptop, since he accidently poured liquid all over it just before ;ast weekend. And some gadgets. Men and their gadgets.

I think I'm alright with the wifey thing.
Happy Birthday again darling!!



narny said...

helloo dearie..

let me be one of the first to wish you a happy birthday! BIG 30!!! UURRGGHHHH... yikes... heheheehhe..
Have a good one darling!

zaza_on_tour said...

thank you!!! yours sooonnn!!!!

