Saturday, April 29, 2006


A new company memo came out a couple of days ago stating that we can opt for a housing allowance instead of staying of staying at the company's provided accomodation. That money also includes transportation allowance which in total is shite! I know for a fact that a lot of people will go for that, especially those who have boyfriends in town or in the same company. It's good for them, not for me. My boyfriend DOES NOT stay in the same town. I am not the kind of person to know oh no it's the end of the month, it's now time to pay the electricity and water! I have too many bills to add those into my list! After consulting my consultant, ie Dave, I have decided to remain in the 'beautiful' company accomodation. I have a gut feeling that some of my closest friends will go for that! So... when they move out, I will probably get their single apartment. That's it then. Besides, this offer will not go away. I might one day grow up, be responsible and take up that offer. Maybe, maybe not.
Anyway, yesterday I had the best time of my life. We were suppose to go to the Dusit for brunch but something came up and we couldn't go. We went instead to the Irish Village with Steve, goldfish, Marie ( Steve's mom ) and Andy ( steve's brother ) who came all the way from Ireland for a couple of weeks. They've been here before, so it's nice to see them again. We then went to the arcade, like kids, we had a blast! We all pretended to be Jack Bauer, from the TV series 24, and killed all the terrorists in the shooting arcade games. Then....we went to the Jebel Ali shootin range! That was alot of fun. Boy does that bring back memories when I was in school shooting them rifles in the army camps! I came home with a sore arm from the rifle's impact, but it was all good. It's a shame that Marie and goldfish didn't join in. I'm sure they had their reasons.

I have to go to work now.....Bullocks.


PS: Can't wait for the UK trip coming up.

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