Friday, January 27, 2006

Keeping in Touch

I have just received an e-mail from my best friend Junitya, actually it's like a sign to me..... have a look, you'll understand. And Jun, I will, in answering to your email.

Well, I am officially sick today. For whatever reason, I don't really care. I just don't feel like working. How I spent the day, well, woke up at noon, went down to the beach, had lunch, came back, chilled out, went to get my medical cert and viola, here I am. What a life?! !"£$ing great I'd say.....

Well, to keep you updated from my maid-madam session yesterday, she denied totally and we really don't know what to do. As far as we know, the house is not burnt down, and that the dogs are NOT DEAD, that's fine innit???

Right then, I don't have the whole day to speak to you lot people, me off booging, if you know what I mean, hey, I do have a bloody life you know...

Adios people


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